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​TIMO KNECHT ​offers an innovative and incredibly effective individualized Training Program         that includes all elements of Muscular Strength, Endurance, Cardiovascular Exercise,           Flexibility and Relaxation.
A variety of Combination Training Exercises to maximize results and reach your individual goals.

Weights / Strength Training

​Strength / Weight Training will increase lean muscle tissue which results in burning more body fat. This creates a lean and defined body shape. Weight training is a common type of strength training for developing the strength and size of skeletal muscles.​

Weight training also requires the use of 'good form', performing the movements with the appropriate muscle group. Weight training is a safe form of exercise when the movements are slow, controlled, and carefully defined. I am there to make sure the exercises are completed correctly for the best possible results, and to reduce the chance of injury.

The benefits of weight training overall are comparable to most other types of strength training: increased muscle, tendon and ligament strength, bone density, flexibility, tone, metabolic rate, and postural support.


Cardiovascular Exercise / Running​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Cardiovascular Exercise helps burn body fat in critical areas such as stomach hips and thighs. It is an important aspect in promoting a strong heart and securing a healthy future.​

To obtain the best results, an aerobic exercise session involves a warming up period, followed by at least 20 minutes of moderate to intense exercise involving large muscle groups, ending with a cooling down period. I will create a program for each individual that will burn fat and increase muscle tone.

Benefits of Cardio include: Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate; toning muscles throughout the body; improving circulation and reducing blood pressure; and improved mental health, reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression.





Core Stability / Balance​​

Abdominal training combined with a calorie burning workout, will not only burn fat but strengthen the stomach & back muscles. A strong core will help improve posture.​

My Core Training consists of the use of balancing boards, therapy balls, and ab boards. We will get you that flat stomach!




Stretching / Flexibility

Stretching plays an important role in maintaining healthy joints and improving their range of motion. I will incorporate stretching into each session for each muscle group that was worked. This will help reduce muscle soreness, reduce risk of injury, and elongate the muscles.​


Flexibility is increased, reducing the risk of long-term chronic injuries to areas such as the back, knees, and shoulders/neck. It is an integral component in speed and power development for all athletes.


* Great results are achieved with the "Ultimate Stretch Master"


Resistance Training

Resistance training is a form of strength training​ in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force ​generated by resistance (i.e. resistance to being pushed, squeezed, stretched or bent).             ​

Exercises are isotonic if a body part is moving against the force. Exercises are isometric if a body part is holding still against the force.     

Resistance exercise is used to develop the strength ​and size of skeletal muscles​. It also burns fat at relatively the same rate that cardiovascular exercise does. I will incorporate these exercises into your routine and will make sure they are properly performed in order to get the maximum results. Resistance training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health ​and well-being.



Boxing / Kickboxing

​Boxing / Kickboxing is often practiced for self-defense​, general fitness​, or as a full-contact ​sport.​​


I teach a variety of different types of Boxing / Kickboxing. I can customize the session from beginners to actual competitive sparring for advanced clients. I teach proper punching and kicking form and basic fighting techniques while offering a full-body workout. ​

You will be using gloves, punching pads, kicking pads, jump rope, and upbeat music to make it fun and exciting. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that also creates lean muscle and increases flexibility. ​

Most of my female clients like to incorporate these elements into their regular workout routine. It is excellent as a workout but you will also learn aspects of self-defense.

I offer boxing/ kickboxing lessons for kids. They learn the basics, have a fun workout, and improve their self-confidence.


Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking is a great, fun outdoor activity that requires endurance, core strength and balance. Living in Santa Monica / Pacific Palisades gives us the opportunity to explore new areas and combine it with a great outdoor workout. Breaking a sweat on a beach ride along the coast or enjoying amazing views riding in the Santa Monica Mountains this workout will stimulate you physically and mentally.​​



Athlete Training

The training program will be very sport specific. For example, a golfer works with different muscle groups than a football player.​

​It is necessary to strike a balance between exercise and recovery to maximize performance. I will focus on what is needed in your sport. In Athlete training it is important to not over train but push yourself to the limit without creating injuries.

I know what kind of mindset and training is required to be on top of your game. In this training routine we don’t give you an easy way out.​


Picture: John Grahame NHL Stanley Cup Winner





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